What The Parent?
We're not your average parenting podcast. And we don't have your average guests. We interview zookeepers (because talking to our teens sometimes feels like trying to wrestle a lion in its habitat), ringside announcers (aren’t parents everywhere taking one on the chin?), FBI hostage negotiators (to help us successfully negotiate a clean room), and many more. Because parenting is hard, and we want to make it easier with any advice we can get.
What The Parent?
Jennifer Kolari of Connected Parenting tells us Why Gladiator kids may drive you crazy but will end up saving the world!
PJ and Cara
Season 5
Episode 5
Jennifer Kolari is back and we couldn't be more pleased...With her thoughtful, excellent advice and insight, she shows us that having a gladiator child in your house doesn't have to mean every day is a fight to the death. Funny, engaging, and vulnerable, Jennifer shows us how to approach prickly teens with Love, Intention, and most of all, Ruthless Compassion. Have a listen and Enjoy!
Website: Connected Parenting
Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/user?u=49791112)