What The Parent?
We're not your average parenting podcast. And we don't have your average guests. We interview zookeepers (because talking to our teens sometimes feels like trying to wrestle a lion in its habitat), ringside announcers (aren’t parents everywhere taking one on the chin?), FBI hostage negotiators (to help us successfully negotiate a clean room), and many more. Because parenting is hard, and we want to make it easier with any advice we can get.
What The Parent?
Catching up with Ayeshah Abuelhiga/CEO of Mason Dixie Foods! Talking about PRIDE, DEI, and serving 12 million sandwiches per year...Amazing Ayeshah is the real deal! Enjoy!
PJ and Cara
Season 2
Episode 12
You hungry? In need of inspiration? Want to know why Pride matters and DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) is important? Well, look no further because Ayeshah's got you covered! Going from a dream on paper to serving over 1 million meals per month (and growing), Ayeshah's refreshing, clear-eyed view on how to get things done is steeped in good ol' common sense...She talks the talk, and most definitely walks the walk. Strap in, have a listen, and enjoy! (And please spread the word while you are at it)
Website - Mason Dixie Foods
Instagram - @masondixiefoods
Facebook - Mason Dixie Foods
LinkedIn - Mason Dixie Foods
Ayeshah's LinkedIn - Ayeshah Abuelhiga